If you’re passionate about making a real impact and being part of an extraordinary team committed to meaningful mahi, seize the opportunity to apply and join us as a consultant for Semester 2, 2024. Click here to embark on a journey where you can contribute to positive change in our community.

Being supported by a ThinkPod team was a genuine pleasure. From the first approach, right through to the final report handover meeting, Loneliness New Zealand Charitable Trust felt valued as an organisation. We were welcomed to the team with enthusiasm. We were consistently met with a high degree of professionalism, evidence of strong research, openness to new ideas, collaboration, and ongoing learning. When the final report came through, we were blown away with the thoroughness that had gone into its compilation. We needed a strategy that could help us improve our fundraising using volunteers; and the team provided a strong, thoughtful and most importantly viable plan that is worthy of implementing. Our thanks to each person on ThinkPod for volunteering to help Loneliness NZ; we wish you all well, and look forward to our paths crossing again.
[Working with ThinkPod] has been a learning experience for us as well whilst working with the super cool ThinkPod team. Each one of them brought unique qualities and attributes to the table. The work ThinkPod has done has saved us a lot of time and energy that we would have used to scope up the initiative. Due to the great efficiency and professionalism of ThinkPod, we got the feasibility and prototype report within 3 months time. This was really helpful. Last but not the least, we would love to work with the team again!

Who We Are

ThinkPod is a student-led organisation based out of the University of Auckland. We place students into a semester-long program to provide pro-bono consultancy services to New Zealand non-profit organisations.

Causes helped
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Hours Committed
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Years in operation

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Join us as a consultant or as part of our management team.

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We are always on the lookout for professionals to help us with our projects.